Thursday, June 11, 2009
Revised June 14, 2009
Hi George,
I am reading your comments Re: 2012 Special and thought that I would send you my responses. I have been researching for over 10 years now and have come to realize that the New Age Groupies are being DUPED BIG TIME.
The 2012 Long Count Calendar event appears to relate to the DARK RIFT, which happens to our earth every 26.000 years. It is a period where the earth’s orbit takes us into an open space in our galaxy for a few years. This area is also called the Galactic Plane etc.
“2012 The Dark Rift (part 1) !!! A MUST SEE !!!”
This is a very dangerous time for people living on earth because the earth becomes a sort of target in a shooting gallery. The earth takes hit after hit from large bodies in the Dark Rift that act like bullets, which penetrate earth’s atmosphere. We are already seeing balls of fire in our skies, which may be part of the bullets from the Dark Rift.
“Fireball over Texas!”
While in the Asteroid Belt the earth is also in a position where we are not in direct line with the sun like we are today. The earth experiences a very dark period until the Earth’s orbits rotates back out of the DARK RIFT. This is not a mythological event this event is one our earth has gone through on a routine bases that causes global cataclysms and can flip the earth on it’s side or over completely. The Mayans and other prophecies such as Revelations seem to be talking about this up coming event as part of the global cataclysm that will destroy much of the surface of the earth and is part of what will be happening during the 2012 period that will kill billions of people on earth.
You wrote this comment regarding your guest Daniel Pinchbeck:
“Author Daniel Pinchbeck discussed the Mayan concept that in 2012 we are aligning with the center of the galaxy, and this could be a time for evolutionary or psychic change in the world. During an ayahuasca experience in Brazil, he recieved a "prophetic transmission" from a voice that identified itself as Quetzalcoatl and spoke about the coming of the next "frequency of consciousness." Reality is less fixed than people have thought, and different pathways can be constructed as we shift into new types of awareness, he commented.”.
My Comments to Daniel Pinchbeck:
This comment falls into the category of the “Lying Signs and Wonders” Paul and Jesus (Yashua) talked about.
If you have read any of my writings you will note that I am very critical of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church, it’s founders and beliefs. I believe the Bible (Canon) is filled with misinformation, disinformation and lies yet if you know where to look and what to look for you are able to root out some very interesting truths.
Jesus (Yashua) and the apostle Paul spoke of this time in history, known as the end of the current earth’s generation aka the “End Times,” as a time where the god of the Jews who was described by Jesus (Yashua) as a LION-FACED REPTILIAN ENTITY known as Jehovah or Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth, would send a strong delusion to people in our world who are considered the LOST or PARISHING. These people would experience visions, and various types of encounters with evil demonic spirits that would council them in DARK WISDOMS that would be lies. I recommend that you read 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and 2 because Paul appears to be talking about people like Daniel Pinchbeck and those who follow and promote the lies being promoted by these entities who are in contact with them. Here is a verse, from these two chapters, that is very interesting. You can find the verse at 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It appears that these fallen or lost souls become what the New Age refers to as EXPERIENCERS today. During these encounters they are given information that is NOT TRUE, which is one of the reason these New Age predictors promote DREAM VISIONS etc. that do not happen. LOOK AT THEIR TRACK RECORD GEORGE IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The goal of these evil demonic entities is to impart knowledge and wisdoms that are not true while they indoctrinate these people with other lies, misinformation and disinformation.
What people are seeing in our skies and in various places, appear to be these prophesied “lying signs and wonders.” They are the signs in the heavens that are directly associated with Satan and his evil deceptive agendas. Paul spoke of these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today as the real enemies of mankind. These evil demonic entities and the hybrid bloodlines they have produced through rape and cloning techniques, have infiltrated our world and are behind every problem mankind encounters in life.
When Jesus (Yashua) returns in the CLOUDS (unidentified flying objects) these entities and those who follow them will be destroyed. These sad individuals like the Daniel Pinchbecks are the lost souls who have been TAKEN IN AND ARE BEING DUPED. Something happened in their life times that opened them up to encounters with these evil demonic entities who mesmerize them. These people are then DRAWN IN and feel compelled to pass on the knowledge given to them by these evil demonic entities, they create websites, go on talk shows, write books etc., and seem to quit thinking logically.
These evil demonic entities are behind the activities of the global Elite bloodlines such as the, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones organizations, global banking. These people have become the political power brokering “ELITE”.
The evil Yahweh (Jehovah) Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth is the creator of the bloodlines that formed the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church known as the (Scarlet Woman) in New Testament prophecy and the FALSE RELIGION Jesus (Yashua) strongly warned his followers about. These movements are bloodline movements intent on controlling the world and they are at war with each other. One group controls through money and power the other through religion. The bloodlines that created the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church and the “New World Order Beast System” track back through Jacob, Esau, Cain etc., in the Old Testament and even further back to Sumer (Iraq), These bloodline can also be followed back further into previous “Earth Generations” that existed long before the flood of Noah to parts of our world that were once known as Atlantis and Hyperborea, where human beings lived during previous earth generations.
When settlers came to America they planned on forming a government OF THE PEOPLE,
that was free from the corruption, control and torments of the ruling EUROPEAN ELITE and the JEWISH AND ROMAN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS TYRANNY they suffered in Europe and in other parts of the world. We have LOST THE BATTLE, THEY ARE BACK AND IN OUR FACES while we listen to NEWS THAT IS NOT REALLY NEWS from media sources that are controlled by these bloodlines and a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT ELITE” who are bring in the New World Order prophecy has warned us about for 2000 years. Jesus (Yashua) warned us about this movement and had to deal with them when he was alive. Jesus (Yashua) also warned his followers against the FALSE RELIGION we know of today as the JEWISH AND ROMAN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND CHIRISTIAN CHURCH known as the “SCARLET WOMAN” who “RIDES THE BEAST SYSTEM” at the end of our current Earth Age.
People need to understand that our earth was once one large land mass and that due to many evil attacks against humanity and due to the global cataclysm’s our earth and humanity has experienced in the past (in part due to earth orbiting into the Dark Rift), that our earth broke apart over time into 7 continents and most of humanity was destroyed. People need to learn that we have been under attack for millions of years and that these evil demonic entities have always been behind it.
This map will show you how earth grew or spread apart into the 7 continents we have today:
NEAL ADAMS ON COAST TO COAST LIVE ylrPfLxFI/the_growing_earth_pt_1/
Buyer Beware
--- On Sun, 6/14/09, myron holter wrote:
From: myron holter
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 1:13 PM
Hi Kitty ..
Sally & I are just back from vacation.
Would you like me to post this on the web?
Myron D. Holter
5112 SW 33rd ST
Topeka KS 66614
785-272-4986 (h)
785-220-2040 (c) (web)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:50 AM
Hi Myron,
I sent this comment to Coast to Coast live and thought I would copy you as well.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hi George,
I am reading your comments Re: 2012 Special and thought that I would send you my responses. I have been researching for over 10 years now and have come to realize that the New Age Groupies are being DUPED BIG TIME.
The 2012 Long Count Calendar event appears to relate to the DARK RIFT, which happens to our earth every 26.000 years. It is a period where the earth’s orbit takes us into the Asteroid Belt for a few months. This is a very dangerous time for people living on earth because the earth becomes a sort of target in a shooting gallery. The earth takes hit after hit from large bodies in the Asteroid Belt that act like bullets that enter earth’s atmosphere etc. We are already seeing balls of fire in our skies.
While in the Asteroid Belt the earth is also in a position where we are not in direct line with the sun like we are today. The earth experiences a very dark period until the Earth’s orbits rotates back out of the Asteroid Belt aka DARK RIFT. This is not a mythological event this event is one our earth has gone through on a routine bases that causes global cataclysms and can flip the earth on it’s side or over completely.
You Wrote:
“Author Daniel Pinchbeckle-span" style="font-weight: bold;"> discussed the Mayan concept that in 2012 we are aligning with the center of the galaxy, and this could be a time for evolutionary or psychic change in the world. During an ayahuasca experience in Brazil, he recieved a "prophetic transmission" from a voice that identified itself as Quetzalcoatl and spoke about the coming of the next "frequency of consciousness." Reality is less fixed than people have thought, and different pathways can be constructed as we shift into new types of awareness, he commented.”.
My Comments:
If you have read any of my writings you will note that I am very critical of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church, it’s founders and beliefs. I believe the Bible (Canon) is filled with misinformation, disinformation and lies yet if you know where to look and what to look for you are able to root out some very interesting truths.
The apostle Paul spoke of this time in history as a time where the god of the Jews who was described by Jesus (Yashua) as a LION-FACED REPTILIAN ENTITY known as Jehovah or Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth, would send a strong delusion to people in our world who are considered the LOST or PARISHING. These people would experience visions, and various types of encounters with evil demonic spirits that would council them in DARK WISDOMS that would be lies. I recommend that you read 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and 2 because Paul appears to be talking about people like Daniel Pinchbeck and those who follow and promote the lies of these entities who are in contact with them. Here is a verse that is very interesting from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It appears that these people become EXPERIENCERS today. During these encounters they are given information that is NOT TRUE, which is one of the reason these New Age predictors promote DREAM VISIONS etc. that do not happen. LOOK AT THEIR TRACK RECORD GEORGE IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The goal of these evil demonic entities is to impart knowledge and wisdoms that are not true while they indoctrinate these people with other lies, misinformation and disinformation.
What we are seeing in our skies etc., are the lying wonders, they are the signs in the heavens that are directly associated with Satan and his evil deceptive agendas. Paul spoke of these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today as the real enemies of mankind. These evil demonic entities and the hybrid bloodlines they have produced through rape and cloning techniques, have infiltrated our world and are behind every problem mankind encounters in life.
When Jesus (Yashua) returns in the CLOUDS (unidentified flying objects) these entities and those who follow them will be destroyed. These sad individuals like the Daniel Pinchbecks are the lost souls who have been TAKEN IN AND ARE BEING DUPED. Something happened in their life times that opened them up to encounters with these evil demonic entities who mesmerize them. These people are then DRAWN IN and feel compelled to pass on the knowledge given to them by these evil demonic entities, they create websites, go on talk shows, write books etc., and seem to quit thinking logically.
These evil demonic entities are behind the activities of the global Elite bloodlines such as the, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones organizations, global banking. These people have become the political power brokering “ELITE”.
The evil Yahweh (Jehovah) Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth is the creator of the bloodlines that formed the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church known as the (Scarlet Woman) in New Testament prophecy and the FALSE RELIGION Jesus (Yashua) strongly warned his followers about. These movements are bloodline movements intent on controlling the world and they are at war with each other. One group controls through money and power the other through religion. The bloodlines that created the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church tracks back through Jacob, Esau, Abraham, Cain in the Old Testament and long before the recorded history of this current Earth’s Generation, which will soon end in an event referred to as the “END TIMES,” which essentially refers to the end of this current earth’s generation.
When settlers came to America they planned on forming a government OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE that was free from the corruptions, control and torments of the ruling EUROPEAN AND MIDDLE EAST ELITE and the JEWISH AND ROMAN CATHOLIC ORTHODOX RELIGIOUS TYRANNY they suffered under in Europe and in other parts of the world. We have LOST THE BATTLE, THEY ARE BACK AND IN OUR FACES while we listen to NEWS THAT IS NOT REALLY NEWS from media sources that are controlled by one of these bloodlines, a government that has been corrupted from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by the “SHADOW GOVERNMENT,” and a false religious movement (Scarlet Woman) that Jesus (Yashua) warned his followers would take over the world.
Buyer Beware
My bible school friend has been absent for a while ..
Revised June 14, 2009
Hi George,
I am reading your comments Re: 2012 Special and thought that I would send you my responses. I have been researching for over 10 years now and have come to realize that the New Age Groupies are being DUPED BIG TIME.
The 2012 Long Count Calendar event appears to relate to the DARK RIFT, which happens to our earth every 26.000 years. It is a period where the earth’s orbit takes us into an open space in our galaxy for a few years. This area is also called the Galactic Plane etc.
“2012 The Dark Rift (part 1) !!! A MUST SEE !!!”
This is a very dangerous time for people living on earth because the earth becomes a sort of target in a shooting gallery. The earth takes hit after hit from large bodies in the Dark Rift that act like bullets, which penetrate earth’s atmosphere. We are already seeing balls of fire in our skies, which may be part of the bullets from the Dark Rift.
“Fireball over Texas!”
While in the Asteroid Belt the earth is also in a position where we are not in direct line with the sun like we are today. The earth experiences a very dark period until the Earth’s orbits rotates back out of the DARK RIFT. This is not a mythological event this event is one our earth has gone through on a routine bases that causes global cataclysms and can flip the earth on it’s side or over completely. The Mayans and other prophecies such as Revelations seem to be talking about this up coming event as part of the global cataclysm that will destroy much of the surface of the earth and is part of what will be happening during the 2012 period that will kill billions of people on earth.
You wrote this comment regarding your guest Daniel Pinchbeck:
“Author Daniel Pinchbeck discussed the Mayan concept that in 2012 we are aligning with the center of the galaxy, and this could be a time for evolutionary or psychic change in the world. During an ayahuasca experience in Brazil, he recieved a "prophetic transmission" from a voice that identified itself as Quetzalcoatl and spoke about the coming of the next "frequency of consciousness." Reality is less fixed than people have thought, and different pathways can be constructed as we shift into new types of awareness, he commented.”.
My Comments to Daniel Pinchbeck:
This comment falls into the category of the “Lying Signs and Wonders” Paul and Jesus (Yashua) talked about.
If you have read any of my writings you will note that I am very critical of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church, it’s founders and beliefs. I believe the Bible (Canon) is filled with misinformation, disinformation and lies yet if you know where to look and what to look for you are able to root out some very interesting truths.
Jesus (Yashua) and the apostle Paul spoke of this time in history, known as the end of the current earth’s generation aka the “End Times,” as a time where the god of the Jews who was described by Jesus (Yashua) as a LION-FACED REPTILIAN ENTITY known as Jehovah or Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth, would send a strong delusion to people in our world who are considered the LOST or PARISHING. These people would experience visions, and various types of encounters with evil demonic spirits that would council them in DARK WISDOMS that would be lies. I recommend that you read 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and 2 because Paul appears to be talking about people like Daniel Pinchbeck and those who follow and promote the lies being promoted by these entities who are in contact with them. Here is a verse, from these two chapters, that is very interesting. You can find the verse at 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It appears that these fallen or lost souls become what the New Age refers to as EXPERIENCERS today. During these encounters they are given information that is NOT TRUE, which is one of the reason these New Age predictors promote DREAM VISIONS etc. that do not happen. LOOK AT THEIR TRACK RECORD GEORGE IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The goal of these evil demonic entities is to impart knowledge and wisdoms that are not true while they indoctrinate these people with other lies, misinformation and disinformation.
What people are seeing in our skies and in various places, appear to be these prophesied “lying signs and wonders.” They are the signs in the heavens that are directly associated with Satan and his evil deceptive agendas. Paul spoke of these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today as the real enemies of mankind. These evil demonic entities and the hybrid bloodlines they have produced through rape and cloning techniques, have infiltrated our world and are behind every problem mankind encounters in life.
When Jesus (Yashua) returns in the CLOUDS (unidentified flying objects) these entities and those who follow them will be destroyed. These sad individuals like the Daniel Pinchbecks are the lost souls who have been TAKEN IN AND ARE BEING DUPED. Something happened in their life times that opened them up to encounters with these evil demonic entities who mesmerize them. These people are then DRAWN IN and feel compelled to pass on the knowledge given to them by these evil demonic entities, they create websites, go on talk shows, write books etc., and seem to quit thinking logically.
These evil demonic entities are behind the activities of the global Elite bloodlines such as the, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones organizations, global banking. These people have become the political power brokering “ELITE”.
The evil Yahweh (Jehovah) Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth is the creator of the bloodlines that formed the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church known as the (Scarlet Woman) in New Testament prophecy and the FALSE RELIGION Jesus (Yashua) strongly warned his followers about. These movements are bloodline movements intent on controlling the world and they are at war with each other. One group controls through money and power the other through religion. The bloodlines that created the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church and the “New World Order Beast System” track back through Jacob, Esau, Cain etc., in the Old Testament and even further back to Sumer (Iraq), These bloodline can also be followed back further into previous “Earth Generations” that existed long before the flood of Noah to parts of our world that were once known as Atlantis and Hyperborea, where human beings lived during previous earth generations.
When settlers came to America they planned on forming a government OF THE PEOPLE,
that was free from the corruption, control and torments of the ruling EUROPEAN ELITE and the JEWISH AND ROMAN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS TYRANNY they suffered in Europe and in other parts of the world. We have LOST THE BATTLE, THEY ARE BACK AND IN OUR FACES while we listen to NEWS THAT IS NOT REALLY NEWS from media sources that are controlled by these bloodlines and a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT ELITE” who are bring in the New World Order prophecy has warned us about for 2000 years. Jesus (Yashua) warned us about this movement and had to deal with them when he was alive. Jesus (Yashua) also warned his followers against the FALSE RELIGION we know of today as the JEWISH AND ROMAN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND CHIRISTIAN CHURCH known as the “SCARLET WOMAN” who “RIDES THE BEAST SYSTEM” at the end of our current Earth Age.
People need to understand that our earth was once one large land mass and that due to many evil attacks against humanity and due to the global cataclysm’s our earth and humanity has experienced in the past (in part due to earth orbiting into the Dark Rift), that our earth broke apart over time into 7 continents and most of humanity was destroyed. People need to learn that we have been under attack for millions of years and that these evil demonic entities have always been behind it.
This map will show you how earth grew or spread apart into the 7 continents we have today:
NEAL ADAMS ON COAST TO COAST LIVE ylrPfLxFI/the_growing_earth_pt_1/
Buyer Beware
--- On Sun, 6/14/09, myron holter
From: myron holter
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 1:13 PM
Hi Kitty ..
Sally & I are just back from vacation.
Would you like me to post this on the web?
Myron D. Holter
5112 SW 33rd ST
Topeka KS 66614
785-272-4986 (h)
785-220-2040 (c) (web)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:50 AM
Hi Myron,
I sent this comment to Coast to Coast live and thought I would copy you as well.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hi George,
I am reading your comments Re: 2012 Special and thought that I would send you my responses. I have been researching for over 10 years now and have come to realize that the New Age Groupies are being DUPED BIG TIME.
The 2012 Long Count Calendar event appears to relate to the DARK RIFT, which happens to our earth every 26.000 years. It is a period where the earth’s orbit takes us into the Asteroid Belt for a few months. This is a very dangerous time for people living on earth because the earth becomes a sort of target in a shooting gallery. The earth takes hit after hit from large bodies in the Asteroid Belt that act like bullets that enter earth’s atmosphere etc. We are already seeing balls of fire in our skies.
While in the Asteroid Belt the earth is also in a position where we are not in direct line with the sun like we are today. The earth experiences a very dark period until the Earth’s orbits rotates back out of the Asteroid Belt aka DARK RIFT. This is not a mythological event this event is one our earth has gone through on a routine bases that causes global cataclysms and can flip the earth on it’s side or over completely.
You Wrote:
“Author Daniel Pinchbeckle-span" style="font-weight: bold;"> discussed the Mayan concept that in 2012 we are aligning with the center of the galaxy, and this could be a time for evolutionary or psychic change in the world. During an ayahuasca experience in Brazil, he recieved a "prophetic transmission" from a voice that identified itself as Quetzalcoatl and spoke about the coming of the next "frequency of consciousness." Reality is less fixed than people have thought, and different pathways can be constructed as we shift into new types of awareness, he commented.”.
My Comments:
If you have read any of my writings you will note that I am very critical of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church, it’s founders and beliefs. I believe the Bible (Canon) is filled with misinformation, disinformation and lies yet if you know where to look and what to look for you are able to root out some very interesting truths.
The apostle Paul spoke of this time in history as a time where the god of the Jews who was described by Jesus (Yashua) as a LION-FACED REPTILIAN ENTITY known as Jehovah or Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth, would send a strong delusion to people in our world who are considered the LOST or PARISHING. These people would experience visions, and various types of encounters with evil demonic spirits that would council them in DARK WISDOMS that would be lies. I recommend that you read 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and 2 because Paul appears to be talking about people like Daniel Pinchbeck and those who follow and promote the lies of these entities who are in contact with them. Here is a verse that is very interesting from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It appears that these people become EXPERIENCERS today. During these encounters they are given information that is NOT TRUE, which is one of the reason these New Age predictors promote DREAM VISIONS etc. that do not happen. LOOK AT THEIR TRACK RECORD GEORGE IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The goal of these evil demonic entities is to impart knowledge and wisdoms that are not true while they indoctrinate these people with other lies, misinformation and disinformation.
What we are seeing in our skies etc., are the lying wonders, they are the signs in the heavens that are directly associated with Satan and his evil deceptive agendas. Paul spoke of these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today as the real enemies of mankind. These evil demonic entities and the hybrid bloodlines they have produced through rape and cloning techniques, have infiltrated our world and are behind every problem mankind encounters in life.
When Jesus (Yashua) returns in the CLOUDS (unidentified flying objects) these entities and those who follow them will be destroyed. These sad individuals like the Daniel Pinchbecks are the lost souls who have been TAKEN IN AND ARE BEING DUPED. Something happened in their life times that opened them up to encounters with these evil demonic entities who mesmerize them. These people are then DRAWN IN and feel compelled to pass on the knowledge given to them by these evil demonic entities, they create websites, go on talk shows, write books etc., and seem to quit thinking logically.
These evil demonic entities are behind the activities of the global Elite bloodlines such as the, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones organizations, global banking. These people have become the political power brokering “ELITE”.
The evil Yahweh (Jehovah) Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Yaldabaoth is the creator of the bloodlines that formed the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church known as the (Scarlet Woman) in New Testament prophecy and the FALSE RELIGION Jesus (Yashua) strongly warned his followers about. These movements are bloodline movements intent on controlling the world and they are at war with each other. One group controls through money and power the other through religion. The bloodlines that created the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church tracks back through Jacob, Esau, Abraham, Cain in the Old Testament and long before the recorded history of this current Earth’s Generation, which will soon end in an event referred to as the “END TIMES,” which essentially refers to the end of this current earth’s generation.
When settlers came to America they planned on forming a government OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE that was free from the corruptions, control and torments of the ruling EUROPEAN AND MIDDLE EAST ELITE and the JEWISH AND ROMAN CATHOLIC ORTHODOX RELIGIOUS TYRANNY they suffered under in Europe and in other parts of the world. We have LOST THE BATTLE, THEY ARE BACK AND IN OUR FACES while we listen to NEWS THAT IS NOT REALLY NEWS from media sources that are controlled by one of these bloodlines, a government that has been corrupted from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by the “SHADOW GOVERNMENT,” and a false religious movement (Scarlet Woman) that Jesus (Yashua) warned his followers would take over the world.
Buyer Beware
My bible school friend has been absent for a while ..
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