
Showing posts from August, 2009


THE ORIGINAL BIBLE (MARCIONS AMAZING NEW TESTAMENT) Saturday, August 8, 2009 Almost every time you hear a Christian promote the Roman Bible they refer to it as the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. That’s interesting because the Roman Bible, which we all own, is not the original bible. What is even more surprising when you DO YOUR HOMEWORK, is that the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church promote the worship of evil gods as well as Satanism and paganism. The Judah Jews and Hebrew Israelites worshiped evil entities as gods, they DID NOT WORSHIP THE GOD JESUS (YASHUA) SPOKE OF, yet the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) was added to the Roman Bible. Hummmmm! These so called gods, who inspired the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible, are not the real source for life on earth. The Hebrew Bible or Old Testament is filled with references to these evil gods and the worship of them. It isn’t until the New Testament (second half of the Roman Bible) that the real God and creator of life on earth was ...

Vaccine danger alerts

Vaccine danger alerts for those of you who dare to know Wednesday, August 5, 2009 For a long time now people have been warning you about the dangers in flu shots and some of you don’t listen. Those of you who have stopped taking them are NONE THE WORSE FOR WEAR so: WHAT’S UP DOC? Now we have a new danger, which the powers that be are possibly going to also force Americans especially children to take. This unproven dangerous agent is the new swine flu shot. Most of us who are doing our homework understand that the swine flu was created in a laboratory and then unleashed on the public before it spread. Most of us who have done our homework know that what they put in flu shots are not only dangerous but when combined with other agents in the environment such as chemtrails, our water supply etc., the ingredients in flu shots combine to make a dangerous and toxic mix in our bodies. I am sending this article on to you so that you can pass the word. Below is a short article regarding...

Physical Descriptions of Jesus (Yashua) Explained

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF JESUS (YASHUA) EXPLAINED Sunday, August 2, 2009 THE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF JESUS (YASHUA) CHANGES DEPENDING ON THE INTENT OF THOSE WHO CHOSE TO DESCRIBE HIM. His followers and his GENETICS, describe him as a SCANDINAVIAN WHO DID NOT PRACTICE THE JEWISH RELIGION BUT WAS INFACT A NAZARENE BY FAITH. The Bible also states this as fact: Mark 16:6 “And he said to them, "(A)Do not be amazed; you are looking for Jesus the (B)Nazarene, who has been crucified (C)He has risen; He is not here; behold, here is the place where they laid Him. Matthew 2: 23 Mark 1:24 Mark 10:47 Mark 14:67 Luke 4:34 Luke 24:19 Acts 24:5 For very devious reasons the formers of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian religion would have you believe that he was born in Bethlehem in Judah, however history and record keeping methods today tell a different story. These documents, tell us that he was born in a Nazarene village in Northern Israel west of the Sea of Galilee, east of ...