Wisdom Notes
SURVIVING THE END TIMES (WISDOM NOTES) Wednesday, July 29, 2009 A quick note: All groups which report on the soon to occur escalation of global cataclysms also report that mankind does survive and life continues on Earth after the cataclysms end. What is going to be happening to life on our planet has happened before. The OLD AND DUSTY ANCIENTS have warned us about what is coming so that we can FASTEN OUR SEAT BELTS AND PREPARE OURSELVES for the very devastating ride ahead. I also use the Bible and the Nag Hammadi Scrolls as a source in part because I think that what little information that we have as to what was taught by Jesus (Yashua) and his followers on these subject, is very important. However I am not a Christian. I find the Christian view points very flawed and DO NOT support them unless I have DONE MY HOMEWORK on a subject or issue and the subject matters they promote can backed up by science, archeology, geology, astronomy, history- prehistory, technology, legends passed ...