
Showing posts from March, 2009

who were the original basque's

WHO WERE THE ORIGINAL BASQUE’S?Monday, March 2, 2009 WHAT DOES THE TRIBE OF DAN HAVE TO DO WITH THE LANGUEDOC REGION OF FRANCE AND THE BASQUE REGION OF SPAIN?When archeologists dig up old mummies and skeletons all over the world the most astounding find they make is that the oldest skeletons they find are of Scandinavian decent. These people had one thing in common they were blondes. This indicates that our original prehistoric ancestors were Scandinavians. Right now most of you who are not Scandinavians are probably saying; “She’s just trying to promote the Scandinavian view point,” which is not the case. What I am saying is that ALL OF OUR PREHISTORIC ANCESTORS WERE SCANDINAVIAN. It doesn’t matter who you are today. Your DNA tracks back to Hyperborea and your prehistoric ancestors were Scandinavia. I don’t care if you are black as night or are an Indian, your ancestors were originally Scandinavian.LET’S START HEREIn Iraq or ancient Sumer (Babylon) for an example, we have now lea...

New world order special forces

Hi Myron,You can also put this article on line under the NEW WORLD ORDER SPECIAL FORCES“THE REDS”Sunday, March 29, 2009SECRET NEW WORLD ORDER SPECIAL FORCES -ASKHENAZIN KHAZAR JEWISH GEOGRAPHIC ORIGINS SHUUU QUIET- WHAT AREN’T WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW? DID YOU KNOW THAT 90% OF THE WORLD JEWS ARE OF EUROPEAN ORIGIN??Are the “Serpent Bloodlines” introducing a new form of Nazism or Fascism, in the form of the “New World Order” Is this the new world government that the Bush’s, the global ELITE, the media and other politicians are promoting TODAY? Who is this illusive special Russian police force being trained by the N.W.O. in and outside the United States? THE THIRTEENTH TRIBEWHAT DOES THE FALSE JEWISH AND ROMAN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS HAVE HIDDEN IN THEIR CLOSETS REGARDING THIS “SERPENT BLOODLINE?”WHO WAS JESUS TYING TO EXPOSE?Who was Jesus (Yashua) speaking about when he told the crowd about the dangerous groups who claim to be Judah Jews who were not really Judah Jews b...

Neanderthal DNA Cloning not mating

WAS HUMAN AND NEANDERTHAL DNA COMBINED THROUGH CLONING NOT MATINGSunday, March 15, 2009 Reconstruction of a Neanderthal child from Gibraltar (Anthropological Institute, University of Zürich). DNA STRANDHUMAN AND NEANDERTHAL DNA IS WAY TO DIFFERENT.Neanderthals and humans did not mate with each other say scientists, yet it is interesting that scientists claim the red hair gene is a Neanderthal gene. Human fetuses have also been found in Neanderthal skeletons and visa versa. A monkey fetus has also been found in the womb of a skeleton of an ancient Egyptian royal.Cain’s “Serpent Bloodline” has red hair.As we begin to collect this evidence what we find is that these evil gods, who we wrongly refer to as space aliens today, appear to have been doing the breeding, using human and Neanderthal DNA. In the same way they cloned other half human half animal, bird, reptilian and insect hybrids, which was no secret to our ancient ancestors.It is my suspicion...

Scandinavian Nazarene Bloodline

DECENDENTS OF JESUS YASHUA'S SCANDINAVIAN NAZARENE BLOODLINE.We wonder today if there is a bloodline group alive today that has the same bloodline that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES. This bloodline is not large in number but they represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well. These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be tracked back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” This original people group on earth were what we refer to today as Scandinavians. Believe it or not, the oldest mummies all over the world had blonde hair, which also tells us that our original ancestors were Scandinavians. I MEAN ALL OF US. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT COLOR YOUR SKIN IS TODAY, YOUR ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ON EARTH WERE SCANDINAVIAN. WHEN JESUS (YASHUA) SAID WE WERE ALL BROTHERS HE MEANT IT LITERALLY. THE BLONDE BLUE-EYED SCANDINAVIAN NAZARENE TRIBES THAT JESUS (YA...

Shadow Governments

DID AND DO OUR “SHADOW GOVERNMENTS” TIME TRAVEL?Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS? MAYBE NOTWe have been inundated with the “Alien Agenda” data on line, which basically states that these evil demonic entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today, created human beings.We also have been lied to regarding the involvement of our “Shadow Governments” regarding the role they play and have played with these entities.THOSE IN THE KNOW tell us that the “Shadow Governments” are far more scientifically and technically advanced than they want the world to know about. One the technologies they appear to be involved with is time travel.Look at the rock drawing above. What I see when I look at that rock drawing are astronauts. Not “Little Green Men,” not demonic entities but astronauts wearing helmets.One of the groups of demonic entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today is a group know as the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers.” These demonic beings, who are described a being giants as...